Wanderlust, girl who travel
27 May 2016;
Wanderlust. A strong desire to travel and explore the world. Who knows twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. Take this time and opportunities that you have to sail away from the safe harbor, explore, dream and discover. Anywhere our feet and our hearts take us...we should go, experience and breathe something new. It's not like we have the same opportunity again in our lifetime. Today's travelling is not the same as that of years ago because thanks to technology, no longer we can feel homesick from places we have never been before. It only takes a second for us to call home and talk with our love ones. So why do we bother to keep on hold of our dreams the moment we know all of that is definitely possible today.
Wanderlust. A strong desire to travel and explore the world. Who knows twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. Take this time and opportunities that you have to sail away from the safe harbor, explore, dream and discover. Anywhere our feet and our hearts take us...we should go, experience and breathe something new. It's not like we have the same opportunity again in our lifetime. Today's travelling is not the same as that of years ago because thanks to technology, no longer we can feel homesick from places we have never been before. It only takes a second for us to call home and talk with our love ones. So why do we bother to keep on hold of our dreams the moment we know all of that is definitely possible today.
I am the kind of person who values experience more than money will ever be. The experience that can never be bought with money. Hence, why I wish to put my wanderlust as primary. I haven't been to many places before but I have it all on my wishlist. Of course, like I said it's not wrong to dream because the future will take you there when you believe in it. What most of us don't realize all the time, is the decision that we make are mostly at the expense of someone else. The decisions that are hinder by the opinions and feelings of other people. At least I'm aware of it. It's up to you guys to believe me or not but I believe desire and faith come in handy when you feel like giving up.
So not long ago, I've made a life-changing decision that I believe will help me for my future endeavors. Let alone all the negative mindset I choose to follow my own path and making my own decision for what I want to be one day. I have to admit that it is not easy to make a decision that can satisfy everyone....come to think of it, it is you who decide what's best for you. The choice is in your hand.
Et voila, peut-etre qu'il est un peu vague pour dire cela, mais je pense que j'ai choisi la bonne voie. Comme ca, je suis sure que j'aurais une bonne qualite de vie. Je voyagerais, decouvrirais des nouvelles choses, rencontrerais des gens...et bien, ce qui est tres important, c'est que moi, je serais tres heureux!
A bientot!
Much love, Tia
#tofernwehwithtia #withtiablog #tiaafitriablogspot #travel #girlswhotravels #lifestyle #livingthedream #reality #lustanddesire #readdontjudge #wanderlust #fernweh #french #exploreworld #happytimes #memories #experiences
A bientot!
Much love, Tia
#tofernwehwithtia #withtiablog #tiaafitriablogspot #travel #girlswhotravels #lifestyle #livingthedream #reality #lustanddesire #readdontjudge #wanderlust #fernweh #french #exploreworld #happytimes #memories #experiences