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To Fernweh, With Tia

Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve une réalité.

Personality test

By 11:44 PM ,

2 June 2016;

How do you call yourself an extroverted introvert? Well, I personally have no clue about it at all. Some say that this kind of people like to talk a lot, but it depend on the situation. Let say you go to a social event that require you to meet and speak with different people, so you have to become a little extrovert on that day to cope with the situation. But after that you will likely to shut yourself up in a room and be alone all by yourself after all the hassle. Mean to say that you only become an extrovert when you need to just to cover up your weakness, perhaps. Am i correct? Well, correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, you can definitely find this type of people in this world right now. Believe me, because I think I'm one of them. Though maybe this might not be true but aware of it or not, this sounds like you're being yourself, but you're not exactly yourself. Get what I mean? 

Okay, so long story short, the reason why I'm talking about personality all of sudden is because I've talked about this topic today with my friends which give me the idea on what to write on my blog. So that's how I came out with this topic. Actually, we went out to make our visa in the French Embassy. We watched movie and then we all went to Franco to have a drink and chit chatting. Speaking of movie, allow me to diverse our topic for a second to tell you about the movie that we've just watched. It's called "Me Before You'', based on a novel written by Jojo Moyes. 

May I say this is like a movie review for those who still don't watch 'Me Before You'. So heads up people, this is definitely the type of movie that will make you cry your heart out and bring your tears  down no matter what. It is such a beautiful movie the fact that Sam Claflin is so freaking hot! O my God! I don't know if it's just me or anyone else but when I watched this movie I swear I am lost at thought throughout the whole movie. What I mean to say is that I am no where to be found in the real world. I imagined things and daydreamed. It gives me a real feeling on every scene shown in the movie. I gave 100% of my mind, thoughts, and focus to the movie and I literally don't care what happen around me at all. So this movie "Me Before You" really give me these sort of impressions so to speak. I don't like to be a spoiler but I think you guys should definitely need to watch it as the movie itself is very beautiful and amazing. 

Much love


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